Collection: Notta Sin

Notta Sin
  • Live It Up
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  • You Are Probably Shopping The Next Best Thing
  • Why do we often feel guilty after enjoying sweet snacks?
  • Notta Sin
  • Live It Up
  • It Is A New World
  • You Are Probably Shopping The Next Best Thing
  • Why do we often feel guilty after enjoying sweet snacks?
  • Notta Sin
  • Live It Up
  • It Is A New World
  • You Are Probably Shopping The Next Best Thing
  • Why do we often feel guilty after enjoying sweet snacks?
  • Notta Sin

Why do we often feel guilty after enjoying sweet snacks?

Because deep down, we know the perils lurking behind consuming too much SUGAR.

Sugar is a devil disguised as an angel!

Consumption of excess sugar can lead to MULTIPLE HEALTH ISSUES like obesity, fatty liver, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and many more.

Despite knowing this, why are we still unable to resist consuming sugar?

The reason is that sugar is more ADDICTIVE than cocaine, as proven by multiple research studies!

YET, food companies around the world LOAD their products with sugar to make them sweet at a LOW COST!

We are Notta Sin (Not-A-Sin)

We have invested significant resources in innovation to create trailblazing products that are UNBELIEVABLY DELICIOUS, while being crafted with WHOLESOME INGREDIENTS and devoid of any HARMFUL constituents.
Our innovation goal is to CHALLENGE the established norms of creating indulgent products. We strongly believe that everything sweet can be REDESIGNED.
We believe that DELICIOUS snacks do play an IMPORTANT role in our lives. INDULGENCE in such snacks helps us to RELISH, RECHARGE, & REJUVENATE. Also, it is an integral part of celebrations and social connections.

Vouched for by Sthani

Notta Sin

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