Collection: The Whole Truth

The Whole Truth Story
  • Live It Up
  • It Is A New World
  • You Are Probably Shopping The Next Best Thing
  • The thought behind starting "The Whole Truth"
  • The Whole Truth
  • Live It Up
  • It Is A New World
  • You Are Probably Shopping The Next Best Thing
  • The thought behind starting "The Whole Truth"
  • The Whole Truth
  • Live It Up
  • It Is A New World
  • You Are Probably Shopping The Next Best Thing
  • The thought behind starting "The Whole Truth"
  • The Whole Truth

The thought behind starting "The Whole Truth"

Ever wondered why most brands hide their ingredient list, in microscopic font, at the back? Why you’re made to stare, squint eyed, at the crimp, just to figure out what your food is made of?

As an obese kid trying to eat healthy, I used to ask these questions everyday. I never got an answer, so I did my own research.

What is one thing that people may not know about the whole truth?

Well, my dear reader, one thing that people may not know about me as the Whole Truth is that I have an insatiable appetite for knowledge. I'm like a bottomless pit of information when it comes to health, food, and fitness.

The whole truth & Truth Be told

Brands hide what goes into their food, because they have something to hide. Because they’d rather have you drool over fake pictures of molten, drippy chocolate, than have you discover that your food contains artificial sugars and preservatives and other hard-to-pronounce chemicals. In the name of ‘healthy’, we’re being sold a bunch of lies.
I want to be remembered as the one who revolutionized the way we think about health, food, and fitness. The one who brought delicious and nutritious options to the table, and inspired people to make healthier choices without sacrificing flavour. Basically, I want to be the superhero of the food world, cape and all!
Well, Well! Truth be told it has transformed my life from a couch-dwelling potato to a fitness-loving foodie. It's all about balance, baby! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some kale to devour and some burpees to conquer. Stay fit and fabulous!

Vouched for by Sthani

The Whole truth

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